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- The Shows: 2010s
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- The Archived Shows: 1963-1999
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- 'Wax Series' Jaquelin Loyd, Taos, NM, 1997
- 'The Music Series' BlumHelman NY, NYC, 1984
- Ronald Davis: Paintings 1962-1976, One Man Survey Exhibition, Oakland Museum, October 1976
- 'First Solo', Nicholas Wilder, LA, 1965
- Installation Views
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2009–2010 Art Works |

Squares on PVC, 2009 |
2009–2010 Square Slabs |
2009–2010 Diamonds |

Red Rose Taper, 2009 |
2009–2010 Shaped Paintings |

XIX Hexagon, 2009
2009 Hexagons |
Dupin Cycloid, 2009
Pixel Dust on Aluminum, 2009 |

2009 Sculptures in a Box
Sculptures in a Box, 2009 |

Ringed Cycloid, 2009
2009 Framed Tiles |
goto 2008 Art Works |